Rabu, 27 November 2013





     1. Opinion Adjective
Ø It's so wonderful being able to see the sea from my window.
Hal ini begitu indah bisa melihat laut dari jendela.
Ø This room is nice and cosy in the winter.
Ruangan ini bagus dan nyaman di musim dingin.
Ø Our holiday was spoiled by bad  weather
Liburan kami dimanjakan oleh cuaca yang buruk
Ø There's a nasty smell in here
Ada bau menjijikkan di sini.
Ø He's got some strange ideas about women
Dia punya beberapa ide yang aneh tentang wanita
2. Zise Adjective
Ø They've got a big house in the country.
Mereka punya rumah besar di negeri ini.
Ø That jacket's too small for you.
Jaket itu terlalu kecil untuk anda
Ø We need a larger car
Kita perlu mobil yang lebih besar
Ø Dictionaries are usually printed on thin paper.
Kamus biasanya dicetak pada kertas tipis.
Ø The roof of the temple was held up by a row of thick stone columns. 
Atap candi ini ditopang oleh deretan kolom batu yang tebal.
3. Age Adjective
Ø She's very creative and always coming up with new ideas.
Dia sangat kreatif dan selalu datang dengan ide-ide baru.
Ø The trees in this part of the forest are still quite young.
Pohon-pohon di bagian hutan yang masih cukup muda.
Ø I'm too old  to  be out clubbing every night.
Aku terlalu tua untuk keluar dugem setiap malam.
Ø This bike is second-hand but it's still in good condition.
Motor ini bekas tapi masih dalam kondisi baik.
Ø People have lived in this valley since ancient times .
Orang-orang telah tinggal di lembah ini sejak zaman kuno.
4. Shape Adjective
Ø The play is performed on a triangular stage.
Drama tersebut dilakukan di panggung segitiga.
Ø A square has four right angles.  
Sebuah persegi memiliki empat sudut siku-siku.
Ø Our table is oval in shape.
Meja kami berbentuk oval
Ø The road ahead was flat
Jalan di depan datar
Ø The boy very round
Anak itu sangat bulat
5. Colour Adjective
Ø The dress was bright red.
Gaun merah cerah.
Ø It was early autumn and the leaves were turning yellow.
Ini adalah awal musim gugur dan daun yang menguning.
Ø I wore that skirt with the green spots.
Aku mengenakan rok yang dengan bintik hijau.
Ø She's got fair hair and blue eyes.
Dia punya rambut pirang dan mata biru.
Ø The route was marked with a line of orange traffic cones.
Rute ini ditandai dengan garis oranye kerucut lalu lintas.
6. Origin Adjective
Ø A person from Indian
orang dari India
Ø He's got a British passport.
Dia punya paspor Inggris.
Ø They drive a big American car.
Mereka mengendarai mobil besar Amerika
Ø The Japanese stock market
pasar saham Jepang
Ø We met three Italians.
Kami bertemu tiga orang Italia.
7. Material Adjective
Ø It's a huge window made from a single  pane of  glass.
Ini adalah jendela besar yang terbuat dari satu panel kaca.
Ø The foundation of the house is built from rubble overlaid with concrete.
Fondasi rumah yang dibangun dari puing-puing dilapis dengan beton.
Ø Those flowers made of plastic.
Bunga-bunga yang terbuat dari plastik.
Ø Guitar strings nowadays are made from steel
Gitar string saat ini terbuat dari baja
Ø The wooden beam is reinforced with a metal plate.
Balok kayu diperkuat dengan pelat logam.
8. Purpose Adjective
Ø I dislike walking and I hate the countryside.
Saya tidak suka berjalan dan aku benci pedesaan.
Ø My mother always hated cooking
Ibuku selalu membenci memasak.
Ø She looked lovingly at the sleeping child.
Dia tampak penuh kasih sayang pada anak yang sedang tidur.
Ø The film was so boring
Film ini begitu membosankan
Ø I do a lot of reading in my free time.  
Saya melakukan banyak membaca di waktu luang saya.

1. Adverb Describes a Verb
Ø He climbed the ladder slowly.
Dia naik tangga perlahan-lahan
Explanation: How did he climb the ladder ?
                       Slowly is an adverb
                       Climb is an Verb
Ø Afgan easily lifted the table
Afgan dengan mudah mengangkat meja
Explanation: How did he lift the table ?
                       Easlily is an adverb
                       Lift is an verb
Ø She thinks fast.
Dia berpikir cepat
Explanation: How did she think?
                       Fast is an adverb
                       Thinks is an verb
Ø We performed bad
Kami tampil buruk
Explanation: How did our perform?
                       Bad is an adverb
                       Perform is an verb
Ø She spoke quickly.
Dia berbicara dengan cepat
Explanation: How did our spoke?
                       Quickly  is an adverb
                       Spoke  is an verb

2. Adverb Describes a Adjective
Ø He drove a very fast car
Dia mengendarai mobil sangat cepat
Explanation: How did fast was his car?
                       Very is an adverb
Ø I am very happy
Saya sangat senang
Explanation: How my happy  ?
                       Very is an adverb
Ø She really anxious
Dia sangat cemas
Explanation: How did anxious her?
                       Really  is an adverb
Ø The blouse was outrageously expensive
Blus yang terlampau mahal.
Explanation: How did was his expensive?
                       Outrageously is an adverb
Ø Robi was extremely anggry
Robi sangat marah
Explanation: How did anggry his?
                       Extremely  is an adverb

3. Adverb Describes a Anoder Adverb
Ø She spoke extremely confidently.
Dia berbicara sangat percaya diri
Explanation: How did our spoke?
                       Confidently  is an adverb
Ø She hurried to the mainland to see her brother.
Dia bergegas ke daratan untuk melihat kakaknya.
Explanation: why he hurri to the manland ?
                       See he brother  is an adverb
Ø Rani ran to catch the bus
Senator berlari untuk menangkap bus
Explanation: Why he ran?
                       Catch the bus is an adverb
Ø Anton find wallet her
Anton menemukan dompetnya
Explanation: What his find?
                       Wallet is an adverb
Ø Iank was slepp in classroom
Iank telah tidur di kelas
Explanation: Where he slepp?
                       Classroom is an adverb

1. Adverbs of Time
Ø Let’s begin to work now
Mari kita mulai bekerja sekarang
Ø Yusron always comes late
Yusron selalu datang terlambat
Ø The postman comes daily
Tukang post datang setiap hari
Ø He collapsed and died yesterday.
Pabriknya dibakar beberapa bulan yang lalu.
Ø His factory was burned down a few months ago
Pekan lalu, kami terjebak di lift selama satu jam
2. Adverbs of Frequency
Ø often forget her name
Saya sering lupa namanya
Ø She seldom visits her mother
Dia jarang mengunjungi ibunya
Ø I have told you twice
Saya sudah memberitahumu dua kali
Ø He man usually proposes marriage
Dia pria biasanya mengusulkan pernikahan.
Ø He hardly ever say something nice to his wife.
Dia hampir tidak pernah mengatakan sesuatu yang baik untuk istrinya
3. Adverbs of Place
Ø My boss is out
Bos saya sedang keluar
Ø Stay here
Diam di sini
Ø She always looks down
Dia selalu melihat ke bawah
Ø We can stop here for lunch
Kita bisa berhenti di sini untuk makan siang.
Ø They rushed b when fire broke out in the floor below.
Mereka bergegas ketika kebakaran terjadi di lantai bawah.
4. Adverbs of Manner
Ø The soldiers fight bravely
Para tentara berperang dengan berani
Ø The students compete fairly
Para siswa bersaing secara adil
Ø She stared at me curiously.
Dia menatapku dengan rasa penasaran
Ø The brothers were badly injured in the fight.
Saudara-saudara luka parah dalam perjuangan.
Ø She still sang very well.
Dia masih bernyanyi dengan sangat baik
5. Adverbs of Degree or Quentity
Ø He came rather late.
Dia datang agak terlambat
Ø She is very beautiful
Dia sangat cantik
Ø Farhat reads quite clearly
Farhat membaca dengan cukup jelas
Ø Dhani sings pretty well.
Dhani menyanyi dengan cukup baik
Ø He accident victim nearly died from his injuries.
Dia korban kecelakaan hampir meninggal akibat luka-lukanya.
6. Adverbs of Affirmations
Ø It will probably rain tonight
Mungkin akan hujan malam ini
Ø I will certainly help you
Saya pasti akan menolong Anda
Ø Yudi is obviously very clever
Yudi sudah jelas sangat pintar
Ø I sure if you love me
Saya yakin kamu mencintaiku
Ø I will not come.

Saya tidak akan datang

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